The role of global education in achieving the post-2015 development agenda

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have certainly been very successful in reducing poverty, access to basic education and health, strengthening gender equality and environmental sustainability, and bridging the gap between human development. Despite these advances, globalized education is still an important and key means of achieving the post-2015 global development agenda – of flourishing, flourishing in the cultural and linguistic world, achieving equality, freedom, dignity, peace and prosperity. Constant effort Diversity after 2015


The complexities of today’s globalized world are linked to the challenges of development. Peace and prosperity cannot be achieved without a common, shared and shared solution and a sense of unity and shared responsibility of all people. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were achieved by the end of 2015 (the 70th anniversary of the United Nations) through the post-2015 development agenda as a global plan for sustainable development. The post-2015 development agenda includes national focus and challenges. In addition, they describe the goals that the world will achieve.


Before we get a deeper understanding of the role of globalization education in achieving the post-2015 agenda, it is useful to have a clear understanding of the concepts of the subject. Suffice it to say that education is necessary and essential for sustainable development. Knowledge of globalization promotes sustainable development as nations strive to make their global ideology a reality.


“Globalization,” Chan observed, “is the integration of the national economy, culture, public life, technology, Education In Pak and politics. It is the movement of people, ideas and technology from place to place.” Globalization affects every aspect of life, universally, scientifically and technically. The result is felt in the cultural, economic, environmental, social and human spheres of the world. In its broadest sense, globalization is the intensity of social relations around the world, and as a link from remote areas, local events emerge from events a few miles away, and vice versa.


For more than half a century, education has been recognized as a basic human right. Can people learn about themselves and their surroundings, their abilities and skills and contribute to the development of society? Education strengthens students’ morale, good governance, independence, morality for life and social renewal. Education, as agents of change, forces recipients to be creative. It is a form of learning that is passed down from generation to generation through the teaching, learning and research of a group of people. Any experience that affects your thinking, feelings, or work can be considered educational.


Speaking of traditional teaching and learning methods, Globalization Education is a universal, scientific, technological and comprehensive approach to education aimed at equipping our youth to prepare for sustainable development, a peaceful and better world. And to equip. This is the next generation. Global education allows every child to combine knowledge, skills, attitudes and values ​​to create a sustainable future. But it is not culturally, religiously or geographically myopic. It is not based on race or prejudice. Schools do not operate separately in global education. They keep in touch with the outside world, introduce students to different races and cultures, and allow them to explore the cultural changes and offerings of the planet while preserving culture, natural and human resources. Respect the need.


The post-2015 development agenda is the work of the United Nations (UN), which helps determine the future development framework that will succeed in the Millennium Development Goals. The current United Nations Development Agenda aims at the Millennium Development Goals, which were formally formulated in 2000 following the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

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