When choosing a recruitment agency to staff your business, you need to make sure you’re asking the right questions. You want to pick an agency that is up to date with the latest recruiting tactics, not one that’s stuck decades in the past. The right recruitment agency will provide you with great value through your investment, but only if they use modern, sophisticated strategies. So what are the differences between recruitment now and 30 years ago?
The Evolving History of Recruitment Agencies
Recruitment companies have come a long way from the 1990s. Back then, agencies spent a lot of time making cold calls. They’d dial up potential talent and assess skills and interest levels at that step to fill their rosters. As you can imagine, this method was quite inefficient. Recruiters striking out blindly were, essentially, looking for needle in a haystack. Know about the Full Form Of IXPRL.
What else was different back then? In the early 1990s, there were fewer marketing options available. Recruiters would post lists of candidates, whether they were a great fit for the job or not. Because recruitment back then was very much a numbers game, these agencies employed large, inefficient teams. More people cold-calling led to a bigger, better talent pool to draw on.
However, times have changed dramatically since back then and all for the better for companies. In the modern era, recruiting agencies use all the latest technology to find job seekers and match them with the right positions. Cold calling has been largely eliminated. This has allowed recruiting agencies to trim their team down to efficient numbers, speeding up the recruitment process.
The prolific array of social media in our world today also lets agencies get in touch with many more candidates. They reach out through numerous ways, casting a wide net. This draws in people with a variety of talents and experience levels.
What Can Modern Recruitment Agencies Do For Your Company?
So how will these agencies’ new strategies help you? One of the biggest advantages these recruiters offer your company is the speed through which they can place candidates. For a business, this means less time and resources spent in HR vetting people. This also streamlines productivity of your established employees. They won’t need to take time from their workday sorting resumes and hand-holding inexperienced candidates who aren’t a good fit for the position.
Six Questions For Your Recruitment Agency
Here are some things to consider when choosing the right recruitment agency for your business:
- Can they connect with the best candidates in the area?
- Does the agency have specialized talent available to fill niche positions?
- Will they employ the latest technology and recruiting tactics?
- Do the recruiters communicate clearly and regularly with both you and the potential employees?
- Is the agency familiar with the power players in the market?
- Are the recruiters you talk to broadcasting maturity and professionalism every step of the way, from how they dress to how they communicate?
Investment Builds Value
Have you considered hiring a recruitment agency to fill your staffing needs? Agencies like Ad-VANCE Talent Solutions can streamline your business, taking care of the hiring process so you can focus on guiding your company to the next level. We have over 20 years’ experience with the Gulf Coast’s job market and can place talent in a wide range of fields including Government, Health Care, and Hospitality. Contact us today and we’ll connect you with the best talent in the area.