How to Deal With Power Outages – A Guide for Small Businesses!

Running a small business takes effort, dedication, and most of all, guts! If you’re a solo entrepreneur, who’s also a marketer, designer, and distributor for your small business, the last thing you need on your plate is stress! But like every entrepreneurship journey, you’re bound to face some roadblocks on the way. And one of them is a power outage. 

A power outage translates to lost customers, lost time, and zero productivity, inevitably leading to zero profit. Knowing what to do when a power outage strikes will help you minimize its impact on your business as well as keep the safety and security of your employees and customers unhindered. Dealing with the outage safely and calmly should be your priority. One of the best ways to stay atop of any emergencies and unfortunate situations is by prioritizing research. You don’t need much except a good internet connection, like the one Spectrum internet service offers. Spectrum deals and plans are not affordable but reliable as well. But if you don’t have the time to do so, we’re here for you! 

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place to help deal with it in a timely fashion. We’ve rounded up a few helpful tips to minimize the impact of a power outage on your small business. Let’s check them out!

  • Draw out a contingency plan

Without a plan in place, it’s easy to lose control and respond negatively to a power outage emergency – and that is the last thing you want. The safety of your employees and customers should come first. Do the employees know what to do when a power outage strikes at work? Do they know how to keep the equipment, electronics, and appliances from damage? Is there an emergency kit in place, with basic items like first aid supplies, rope, and flashlights included? Draw out a proper plan for the survival of your small business. 

  • Ensure the safety of your employees and customers

Make sure employees and customers know the proper safety steps to be taken during such situations. Don’t let them go near any power lines, and make sure they use the stairs instead of the escalators and elevators. Also, keep a water kit nearby in case the tap water turns undrinkable. Make sure the backup systems are battery-powered and working fine. Turn off any machine or equipment running to avoid fire risk. Completely disconnect all types of machinery, appliances, and equipment so your business operations don’t suffer due to damaged equipment. 

  • Learn how to operate a generator

If you have a backup generator, learn how to operate it beforehand, so you can still run the most critical business operations during the outage. Avoid plugging the generator directly into a power outlet, and don’t use it under any wet conditions!

  • Report the outage

As soon as the outage strikes, call your utility or 911. They should be aware of the situation and let them in on any downed power lines and potential threats. Stay connected with MiFi devices and use them for only critical operations!

Once the power is back on, test the lights before plugging in any equipment and machinery. Wait at least 30 minutes before turning on the equipment and resuming business operations! Be aware of any electrical inputs and plugs that may have been damaged due to loose wiring or circuit breakdowns and throw them out. 

Wrapping It Up

One relevant way of minimizing the impact of a power outage on your business operations is by familiarizing yourself with the state laws first and foremost. State laws highlight the wages that should be paid to employees during the outage. Moreover, study these tips to always be ready for when a power outage strikes. You will be prepared for the lost revenue and time, knowing you minimized the impact on the safety of your customers and employees. 

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