Spinal Flexibility & Stretching Exercises For Lumbarisation & Sacralisation

If you are experiencing lower back and buttock pain, it may be due to lumbarisation & sacralisation. You must check whether there are other symptoms, such as muscle spasms, Sciatic/radicular pain patterns, etc. 

Lumbarisation & sacralisation are physiological phenomena related to changes in the spine’s structure. These conditions can have a significant impact on the health and function of the spine. It is not necessary for the person to constantly have back pain. A considerable number of patients exhibit no symptoms at all. But if they are, then they must contact their healthcare providers. 

With the help of simple lumbar spine stabilization exercises, you can increase the flexibility and movement of the joints. Performing these exercises under the guidance of experts can help manage symptoms and promote overall spinal health. 

Exercises To Manage Lumbarisation & Sacralisation

  • Cat and Camel

Start this exercise by coming to the cat pose, i.e., putting all your body weight on your knees and hands. Keep your knees under your hips. Make an arch of your back while inhaling, and come back to the camel pose while dropping your belly towards the floor. Round your spine while exhaling, and come to the case pose while tucking your chin to your chest. Repeat the same set around 10 to 15 times as it focuses on mobilizing your spine. 

  • Hamstring Stretch

Stretching the hamstrings can be beneficial for lumbarisation & sacralisation. To start with this, sit on the floor and extend your legs straight in front of you. If you feel pain, you can use a folded blanket or cushion. Inhale as you lengthen your spine and reach your arms overhead. Now, lean forward from your pelvis without rounding your back while exhaling, and touch your toes with your hands. Keep the stretching intensity as high as your flexibility allows. Repeat it 2-3 times and gradually increase it as your flexibility increases. 

  • Pelvic Tilt

Start this exercise by lying comfortably on a yoga mat or floor. Bend your knees to keep your feet flat on the surface. Make sure the small, natural curve in your lower back remains in your spine. Inhale while drawing your navel towards your spine, and exhale while tilting your pelvis backwards. Make the process slow and steady while holding it for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, and gradually increase the number as your comfort increases. 

  • Arm/Leg Raises

Start this exercise by lying on your stomach, and engage your core muscles by drawing your navel towards your spine. For legs, take your legs off the ground while exhaling and inhale while getting back to the position. The same goes for arm raises. Lift one arm while exhaling, keep it straight and parallel to the floor, and inhale while lowering it back to its original position. Repeat the same exercise 10-15 times with both arms and legs to strengthen your lower back. 


In conclusion, incorporating these exercises into your routine can enhance spinal flexibility and alleviate discomfort associated with lumbarisation & sacralisation. You can consult with the experts at renowned wellness centers like ANSSI Wellness for more benefits. 

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